Research Team

Kyle CascioliKyle Cascioli

As an academic and practicing commercial real estate professional specializing in urban renewal and property reuse, I am very interested in contemporary urban anthropological issues and Front Range urban sustainability.

I enjoy my interdisciplinary collaboration with Dean Saitta and Ron Throupe, and was delighted that we were awarded this prestigious grant from the Institute of Enterprise Ethics at The Daniels College of Business to study Front Range Urbanism and Hydro-Sustainability from a “Peak Water” perspective.

(720) 979-7727

Kyle Cascioli – CV

Dean SaittaDean Saitta

Dean Saitta is Professor of Anthropology, Chair of the Department of Anthropology, and Director of the Urban Studies program at the University of Denver.  He’s interested in the environmental and cultural sustainability of cities.  He teaches a course on the city from an archaeological, cross-cultural, and “peak planet” (oil, water, population) perspective. He blogs about urban issues at Intercultural Urbanism.

(303) 871-2680

Dean Saitta – CV

Ron ThroupeRon Throupe

I’m excited be furthering our interdisciplinary academic collaboration with both Kyle and Ron at DU, and I’m particularly interested in researching and evaluating how new, high-density urban and garden city suburban developments may mitigate water usage in future Front Range development.

(425) 681-6602

Ron Throupe – CV